I have now bought a polaroid sx70. There seems to be a bit of a revival to polaroid now that the Impossible project has started to churn out new film and therefore giving newbies like me a reason to use the old skool polaroid cameras.
So, here is the SX 70 that i have recently bought.

All flat packed down.

Ready to use.

When I got the camera, it had a pack of film in it, but unfortunately the film didnt work. At first I though the camera was bust and I had wasted the whole of £21 for the camera. It didnt work at this stage because the battery had long since died. It must have been in the camera for a lonnng time.

Original polaroid. Wow. The pack was full as well. gutting.
I did try to expose some sheets in my polaroid back of my Mamiya RB67, using black cloth bags... but this old pack film has seen better years whilst sat in the camera. Nothing came out. The chemicals had all crystallised and were crushed as i put the sheet through the roller.
I did buy a pack of new(ish) film to test in the camera. it now works a treat.