Some weeks ago, I watched the 1960's film 'Breathless' starring Jean Seberg and Jean-Paul Belmondo.

Jean Seberg as Patricia Franchini
Jean Seberg and Jean-Paul Belmondo

I interpreted it that Models were used to suggest that they act and respond in a certain way. the way the ideal model wears the branded clothing. Also that their clothing reflects this cool appearance.
I like the way that photography has been used to appropriate the clothing.
Here are the images:
I Like these because they are appropriated in a way to suggest that this is not just the fashion but the way of a lifestyle. There is an element of aspiring to these models as some sort of benchmark for success. i.e 'This is the women', 'This is how she reclines'. The text takes on quite a traditional view of the female model.
The campaign has played around with the male model. 'Man should be brave' when the imagery clearly makes the man look feminine, or at least makes reference to bunny ears typically seen worn by a women as some erotic symbol. Maybe he has to be brave to change his appearance?